My Love

My Love
The Gravy to my Mashed Potatoes

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

52 Reasons Why I Love You Cards

So first off I am obsessed with Pinterest and if you don't have one you need to get one asap! Word of caution though once you have one you will be addicted! Anyway I was looking through the many craft ideas and I kept running across one I loved so I decided to make one for my boyfriend! Its called 52 Reasons Why I Love You.

What you will need:
Deck of playing cards
Hole punch
Computer/ Printer
Glue/Double Sided Tape
Book Rings (have no idea what these are? I didn't either scroll on down there is a link!)

Lets Do this!

1.       Make a list of reasons why you love or like the person you are making this for!
2.       Type these up
3.       If you’re like me you'll want them to look pretty so if you don't have a font you like there are tons of free downloadable fonts out there (Google is your friend)
4.       Cut all of these out
5.       If you haven't done so already go find the hole punch and glue!
6.       Get out your deck of cards
a.       I would recommend using plain old bicycle cards
b.      Designs will just be covered up and can make it look to busy
7.       Make a template card out of one of the ones your just going to toss anyway
a.       Instruction card, jokers, etc.
8.       Look at number 7! I decided I would free hand them and trust me it isn’t a good idea at all!!!!!!!!
9.       Once you have all your cards hole punched and ready to go start gluing/taping
a.       Can use stickers to help decorate
b. Try angling it to add interest 

10.   Once this is done let them dry on a flat surface
11.   Put all your cards on your rings
b.      I used Kaiser Scrapbook rings you can get them in any color (the link above is to pink ones) for around $3.00-$5.00 dollars for a pack I was lazy and just ordered them from Amazon
12.   Check you out your almost done! Decorate the front and enjoy! 

Or check out the one I looked at!
Or just google 52 reasons why I love you cards and tons and tons of stuff just like this will come up!

Good Crafting!

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